A little bit o' this.

And it has been so busy.  So rather than write a whole blog is it now time for a series of unrelated bullet points.

  • I can technically clean faster than my children can mess up.  But that is only if  I am nearly running behind them.
  • Staging a house when you have children is very hard.  But 70% of our stuff is packed and the rest of it has been kept accessible for good reason.
  • Why do we have 4 containers of pickle relish?  Seriously nothing makes you rethink your condiments like moving.  If it isn't pickle relish then it is apricot syrup. If it isn't apricot syrup its 6 different kinds of Chinese vinegar which this white girls does not know how to differentiate!
  • So now we are on hold with the packing while the house goes on the market and we figure out how to buy a house in Indianapolis.  I hope this goes okay.  
  • How are the kids? People like to ask.  Thomas doesn't care.  Miriam doesn't quiet get it yet either but she is pissed that some of her toys are packed and Junia is hot and cold.
  • Before we decided to do this and dived head in first to the deep end of the pool I felt like my prayer life was this rich well of aliveness. I was awake to the world around me.  But the busy-ness of all of this and the stress has sort of launched me away from that. . .
  • Hey everyone: I don't want to live in Carmel Indiana.  Stop telling me to do that. Please everyone please stop advising suburbs. If you think we are making a bad decision that is fine. Bite your tongue and then in 10 years if you are right you can say, 'I would have told you so but you wouldn't let us...'
  • There was a final goodbye party for me at work last week. It was so meaningful.  My students were so lovely. My colleagues so deeply kind.  It made me feel like I mattered.  Also the cake was amazing.
So much more.  But I'm done.


  1. I wish I had met that cake under happier circumstances, but my word: THAT CAKE!!!! Not to be confused with That Cake Song. :)


  2. I want to subscribe! How do I subscribe? :)


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