I have nothing concise to throw out here in the universe, but I feel the need to put something into this space.    So alas, on of my disconnected lists:

 I am writing a book right now about Advent.  It isn't really writing it as much as putting it together and adding some questions for reflection.  It is a funny time to be sitting with Advent themes, and also it is useful.  The readings from the season of Advent remind me again and again that our hope is not in THIS world. 

We had friends in town this weekend which was LOVELY!  I didn't really think that we would see many more people here in Indiana, but even though coastal folks call this "flyover" country, it is still easier and cheaper to get to than Seattle.  We also have a house large enough to host people and not having a paying job allows for me to be more flexible and welcoming.

I have been spending 1 morning a week at the public libraries in Indianapolis.  I'm doing writing, email, and always snagging a few books here and there.  I have such tremendously varied taste in books it is wild.  Today I am hauling around the lectionary and a book about the history of Aberdeen-Angus cattle and a memoir about an American woman of Cuban/Columbian ancestry. Speaking of which I read this book: Dorothy Day: the World will Be Saved by beauty by Kate Hennessy (granddaughter of Dorothy Day)

Holy crap it was good. If you have any romantic notions of the Catholic worker or Dorothy Day read it.

I met with the youth group at our church and helped them come up with a vision for a retreat they are putting on.  I liked doing it and ended up writing up all the notes and came up with a retreat schedule/format for them.  At this point though I told the pastor, if you want me to basically be the "youth minister" that is great but you'll need to pay me.  It feels kind of lousy to expect that they pay me beyond this point.  1. Except that it is time away from my family and a weekend away in may. 2. I gave them a bunch of my tools and a retreat schedule draft that they could easily take and make into a retreat without support from me. 3. If they want it to be run really well then they should hire me but actually they might not be that concerned with holding quality as much as just making it happen...

Alas, I am reminded that budgets are moral documents.

I am so so so ready for spring.  I have decided I cannot be officially pissed off about the cold weather until March 22 when spring is OFFICIALLY here.  So I am going to simmer down and just be normatively unhappy.

My sister turned a new age yesterday. I don't know how old she is, except she is one of my dearest friends.  Already, she has volunteered to watch our kids for a week this summer while we vacation- just Sean and I.  She is endlessly generous to me (and Sean). . . And in so many ways she reminds me of my Dad.  I am lucky she is in my life!

So that's the what and what.


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