Sleet. And nothing.
Last week I sat down to type because the sound of sleet awakened me to listen. I never published it.
Today the same thing happened and I noticed the unpublished draft.
As if the experience of being a writer, and a Mom amid covid times doesn't keep one at home enough. Keeping me holed up is the cold. Somedays I barely step out of the house, going only to the front door to breathe in deep the cold air then scooting back into the warmth.
I exercise by playing dance video games with my kids.
And sometimes not exercising.
Is baking exercise?
Today I spoke with one of my former students (emerging friends). It was lovely. So lovely. We talke theogy, and love for the earth, and about life and pain and hpe and various matters.
Yesterday one of my children had a very serious accident at school. They ambulance was called, they were taken to the ER. Today they are fine. It was fixed with a simple adjustment- putting the kneecap back over the knee. It was so strange and kind of miraculous.
I've overproved my dinner rolls today, they will still taste good- but won't be as perfect as I am capable of or would like.
It is such a gift to be alive.
A gift to enrich the senses with what is around me.
A gift that is today.
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