
Our lives are chaos right now. Here's what's been going on:

Memorial day weekend: Travel to Toronto, attend ordination, spend boatloads of time with family, pass around baby, try to get baby to sleep, try not to push each others buttons, try to catch plane to return.
Take 4EVER in customs.
Miss flight.
Go back through customs to get back into Canada.
Get new tickets.
wait more.
fly to calgary.
sleep in hotel for 3.5 hours.
Go through customs.
Fly to Seattle.
Rush to bacculaureate mass at work.
Make it happen.
Go back to office.
Prepare for retreat.
Write 2 speeches.
Go to graduation.
Give 2 speeches.
Come home.
Sleep for 7 hours.

Wake up.
Baby fussy.
Me fussy.
Change diapers, eat breakfast, start packing for overnight retreat.
Put baby down for nap.
Pack for retreat, do last minute prep.
Pack Junia's stuff for retreat.
Go to Doctor visit with Junia (19lbs 27"- and 50th percentile!)
Go to Ikea to run last minute errands with Junia.
Come home- finish last minute things.
Put baby down.
Pack more little things.
Respond to emails.
Check out ferry schedule.
Change baby.

And so begins 24 hours of J and I on an adventure with a bunch of students and chaperones. A couple things have fallen apart in the last couple of hours. I am totally sleep deprived, and tired of running around, and would like some time with my spouse that is in our home. I guess I'll see him this weekend...


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