How Indianapolis is a better expression of our values

There is nothing sexy about Indiana.  In the progressive world we lived in while in the Northwest Indiana is not a place to go. It is a place people are from.  There are no cities in Indiana that the coastal folks wax poetic about. There is nothing nostalgic even about Indiana.   Whatever Indiana has is not being noticed in our circles.

But, here we are.  I don't know why people live in Indianapolis, but based one some assumptions from meeting people I think that most people live here because their family lives near here. Indianapolis isn't sexy. It isn't pretentious.  It isn't full of cool people with expensive hiking gear or sleek lawyers hussling out to a cocktail party. It isn't full of beach bums with great tans drinking smoothies.  Indianapolis, as it seems to me, is full of genuinely kind people with families who value kindness over being right.  For all the political divisiveness of this region of the country people arent loudly talking about it, and, though I am certain this isn't true at all times,  even when they do are very nice about the whole thing...

Indianapolis has things going for it that Seattle didn't have.  There are local businesses everywhere!  Because this city is affordable starting a business is not just a rich white dude proposal.  Because rent is so much lower for storefronts people can afford to take risks.  I think the same is for artists. I go to a pottery class that is in a giant warehouse.  I am sure that the owner of the business pays a price for rent but I also can't imagine it is sky high.  The space is perfect for what it is and I think that people come there to do art not to make money....

Because Indianapolis is a city and thus has a sizable population of all kinds of people there isn't anything that we have wanted and haven't found.  Okay, technically that isn't true. I would really like to go to a Korean spa. . . but those are hard to find in lots of cities.  But really there isn't a food we haven't been able to find (that is quality!).  Sure public transit here is crap, sure their is a bit of a grocery store problem- but all in all there are resources here.  And, because we are in the southern half of the midwest---the fried chicken is amazing...and that I couldn't find in Seattle!

but wait,   defending Indianpolis and I didn't' want to write for to defend myself.  I wanted to write out of my heart.  What I mean to share here is that even though I have liked living in cool places, I would prefer to live in a city that is trying to find its heart.  I would prefer to live in  a city where people are kind.  I would prefer to live in a city where POC can afford to live.  I would prefer to live in a city where there is diversity of thought.  I would prefer to live in a city that is not too proud of itself.

Granted I took a lot of pride living in Seattle and then living on Vashon Island.  I loved living in a place that was outwardly way more sexy than Indianapolis. But that is not my deepest value.  That isn't even one of my deeper value.  Whatever joy I took from living in an interesting place wasn't feeding my ego in a healthy way.

My spirituality is not about having miracles appear before me.  I do not expect God to awe me with her magic.  My spirituality is about finding God in the ordinary.  In the Northwest it is easy to be awed.  I seek, however problematic the cornfields may be for the Ag industrial complex, to see God in the field and farms and sunsets of this place.

The climate isn't perfect or dream like, but it is real.  Sometimes it's too hot.  It is bound to be too cold.

All in all, there is stuff happening here that I am eager to be a part of.  And, because it's not pretentious and unwelcoming of kids, I think that I will be a part of it.


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