Weekend Goodness.

For some reason this weekend has seems particularly expansive (we get three day weekends every weekend to compensate for all the nights we random extra hours we work). I think that is because each day involved some plans but no day involved a total commitment.

So what have been up to...

Well Friday night and Saturday Junia and I patched some handle holes on her old dresser.  We've since put 2 coats of black paint on it.  It will be turned into a bills place, diaper change station, clothes holder, and art supply dresser in our dining room.  I'll show you a picture when it's done...

On Saturday we dyed Easter eggs.  One of my favorite parts of my job is dying 60 Eggs for decoration for an Easter party that I host (or my budget does?!)

I seriously love looking at colorfully dyed eggs.

Yesterday we had brunch with dear friends...sadly my use of the word "dear" often means: Friends we really really like but don't see often enough and have some guilt around that but mostly it just stinks to not see people we like more often.  We hadn't seen them since I've been pregnant.  I am 36+ weeks pregnant.

Then S made some wonderful Vietnamese fare yesterday for dinner.  Vietnamese it actually Junia's favorite food!

Today involved midwives, doulas, birth educators and stuff like that.  I have only taken "accidental" pregnancy pictures but here is one that Junia took that is quite good...

When all the birth stuff was done we headed out to the garden.  This was take a week ago.  See all those plants in the front...between the camera and Junia. That is kale.

We took out the kale. It bolted and will be bitter in days....

 But it's still yummy.  Seriously we have pounds and pounds of kale now.
 We don't even really like Kale that much.  So I bagged 7 bags of it up for collegues at our various works locations.
Oh, our overwintered broccili has still been producing the good stuff.  Except that we aren't really eating it very quickly. So I brought it in and blanched it.  It's now in the freezer.

Junia is ready to bust open some seeds and get a plantin'.

I think I can dive into what will surely be a crazy and difficult week.  Thanks to the three days I have just had with my beloveds!


  1. What a fabulous weekend! We had a three day weekend last weekend due to a furlough day - it was marvelous, and I could do that every weekend! XO


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