Maybe we can do this?

There isn't much news on the baby front. She (remember we call her she not as a designator of gender but as an indicator of personhood) still has a heartbeat and from what we can tell is growing normally and if I would stop eating mac n' cheese she might have a chance at growing perfectly (fat chance on either of those right!?).

In our life in Seattle no one has kids, So including them in things is irrelevant. Beyond that our preparation for a child seems more unusual and bizzare than it actually is.

What is changing and went through more change this weekend than others is Sean and I. Over the weekend we travelled to my Mom's house in Southern Ill. It was a good trip all my siblings, in-laws and niecews (a combo word- thanks Alan Revering- meaning nieces and nephews). It was great to be around people with kids. To be in the chaos of children and also the ordinary. It didn't feel exceptional to include kids in meal planning, going to the basketball game or in getting ready. AND beyond the wonderfulness of just their presence they are all great kids. We enjoy each niecew for a different reason and amid their different stages. Finally, we have to admit that none of my siblings or their partners are miracle workers. So maybe (just maybe) Sean and I can figure this out. . .

Being with our niecews and being with my Mom and sibs has a way of preparing us.


  1. You're welcome. But I think it was Bette who came up with "niecew."

  2. What do you mean I'm not a miracle worker? Just kidding. I think that you and Sean will not be perfect parents, but will be perfectly suited to parent your little turtle into a wonderful and compassionate human being. I am always impressed by your awareness of what other people need and I think that will be such an asset to you as a mom. In the time that I have known you and Sean as a couple I have always thought that you two were such a great balance for one another and really complemented one another's strengths and weaknesses and I can really see how this will work for the two of you as you parent.

    I loved being with you guys last weekend and can't wait to see you again!

  3. You can do it. Maybe you can try to remember...
    WWGDD (what would gramma doll do)?

    When you get parenting figured out, let me know. I can use any advice.


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