Building Anxiety

I just remembered I meant to go to the library today. Shoot.

Nonetheless, today was my last day of summer with just Junia and I. Tomorrow S will be with us. I had to ship something so was getting ready to head to the UPS store and realized I was feeling anxious; "Why," I thought, "Am I so scared to go to the UPS store. Is this some forwarning that their will be a natural disaster or that I shouldn't go." I pondered. Then realized, I was feeling very sad. I picked J up, had a good cry and then off we went. Somehow naming my feeling made it better.

On my way home I called one of our neighbors- and budding friends- to see if I could pop in. I did. It was worth it. She is an MDIV student, and having some theology talk mixed with parent/baby talk reminded me that I really do want to do ministry and work in Campus ministry. I believe that it will turn out to be a great decision. But, let's be honest, its sad when summer vacation ends, it is sad to leave your child at daycare, and starting a new job is always kind of hard.


  1. Hang in there sister! I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way as you begin the transition. :)

  2. Hang in there sister! I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way as you begin the transition. :)

  3. Hang in there sister! I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way as you begin the transition. :)


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