Meditation on being home with a baby

Home alone with her three week old self all day. Starting the morning hoping she'll go back to sleep if only for another hour. Hoping I'll get a chance to eat breakfast, hoping I'll have time for a shower, hoping the "bomb" that this child is will not explode. These are the fears.

Though, I face the question how to make this sane. How do I make time at home with my daughter sane for me. And since I cannot really make her life routine (she's too young) and since I don't want to impose a schedule on her anyway, and don't want her to "cry it out", I am trying to let go of my grown up sense of time. I am trying to look at the shower, the breakfast, the chance to make coffee as a gift. I am trying to make it a meditation on being with Junia in her time and her space as she is now. I am trying to be with her as she is whether she is active alert, sleeping, or screaming in my face. Rather than trying to bounce her and look at the clock wondering when she will stop screaming, I am trying to just listen to her. To be grateful for the moments that feel like peace and not fight the totally different sense of time that her body and her rythm has.


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