Thrifting finds

Last week one of our dining room chairs collapsed  while S was sitting in it.  I scored 4 of Ethan Allan chairs for 14.99 each.  They are in great shape.  Though not quite as blue as the picture suggests.

The electricity goes out here a lot.  So we've been gathering a supply of flashlights, candles and lamps.  This I scored for 5 bucks. Aesthetically pleasing and functional.

Paul Klee do you know him? Me either. I bought this for 99 cents only to take off the back and is says, "1940's Paul Klee print" with some google we realized this could be worth some $. At least more than 99cents. Now we have to decide what to do with it.

Scored these babies for 1.50 each! Selling them on etsy. We will see if they fly! 


  1. I LOVE those blue chairs! I can't wait to do more Vashon thrifting/estate saleing with you!!


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