Prayer for forgiveness for being a snarky mom.

God you are mother, woman and friend.
You have known what it is to be an outsider.
You have sat in the pain of rejection.

I have found, in being a mother woman and being with mother women 
that so many of us can reject and hurt
each other.

God. It is not that I have been rejected.
It is that I fear that feeling.
So instead of honoring that possibility.
I decided not to love many of my fellow mother women sisters.

Forgive me for closing myself to offer and receive love and kindness.

Be in my own wisdom and discernment of how to get out of this.
Show me how to honor the possibility of rejection.
How to be myself and to discern my own role as a woman mother.

And fundamentally be with me 
as we build the kindom for love.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I'm soaking this in tonight.



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