Children's books for liberal Christians Series. 1

So after this post about how hard it is to find religious books I got several books from the library to try them out.  There were a couple of hits and misses.  I figured I would write a couple up for you.

So first things first. This is the JPS Illustrated Children's Bible by Dr. Ellen Frankel.
This book:

Here's the link from Amazon if you want to take a look:
Okay. Let's keep in mind that I am not a scripture scholar but I do have 2 theology degrees.
I am not an early education expert but I am a parent.

Things I like:

  • The language for God is gender neutral. God is God. Not Him, He, Lord etc.  

  • The women in the bible are highlighted as very important stories.  This is not a collection of stories of men's accomplishments. The women are even dynamic.  Sarah is seen as jealous, laughing. The pictures of God- albeit neutral have a fairly feminine look if not a tad bit ghostly.

  •  The characters looks mostly Middle Eastern.  Most people have dark hair, dark eyes, and relatively brown skin.
  • It follows very responsibly the language of scripture.  The creation story is nearly identical -as it is already an exciting and detailed poem while many the less, shall we say less interesting to children, are skipped over.  (Thank you!)
  • Finally, this bible is not trying to fit every story into 1 page. The stories are of various lengths. Some have 3 pictures some have 1 some have 6.  A LOT of children's bibles make everything the same length and each gets 1 picture.  I totally do NOT dig that.

All in all, we are digging this. We are thinking about buying it for out little ones!  We shall see.


  1. Sweet! Thank you for posting this. I was thinking of you the other week and wanting to pick your brain about this exact thing. I thought by now you might have found something. :)


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