Starting some seeds!
Today is clear and sunny...even warm if you are in the sun and moving around! That is why we had snack outside today! What a thrill really!
So now we are on our way. Dreaming of tomatoes that probably won't amount to much, and hoping I/we can get our garden in order by the time these babies are read for the ground! We have a space heater in the shack for warmth and a grow light - like this for above the plants...we will see how this all works out!?
But really what I have been wanting to do for several weeks was get some plants started. Last weekend I set up the spot in our little shack, and today the girls and I planted some seeds. Doing this with the girls was amazingly engaging for Junia and way less so for Miriam...but nonetheless...
They stirred up a couple different kinds of soil...
Then Junia cut some newspaper in half, I folded it in half from there and then wrapped it around a wine bottle. My hope is that these plants we can just put into the ground without having to mess with the roots.
Junia then filled them with the soil as I made them. She did a great job of it and was a focused but great task for her. She wasn't bored of it at all. We ran out of newspaper rather than her tiring of the task
MIriam mostly played in the dirt, lusted after the shovel Junia wanted and in general whined her way through the project...
Then I had Junia write P on the sticks that go in the pea plant pots and T on the tomato plant pots....
So now we are on our way. Dreaming of tomatoes that probably won't amount to much, and hoping I/we can get our garden in order by the time these babies are read for the ground! We have a space heater in the shack for warmth and a grow light - like this for above the plants...we will see how this all works out!?
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