
Showing posts from 2018

My Christmas Homily

Some thoughts on joy: Gaudete Advent

Seeking. Opting out of capitalism and into meaning making

Engaged Boredom.

Aching heart. Aching beauty


The Grand Miracle: Poem by Mary Karr

It's okay to stop being Catholic.

Prayer for the Church 5: Weeping God.

The thing about me....

Prayers for the Catholic Church 4: Whole.Healthy.Holy

Prayer for the Church 3: Lead me not into

Prayers for the Church 2: Petitions for a broken Church

Prayers for the Catholic Church: A Prayer in the mess.

A God in the House: An Exerpt

When new things break your heart.

Priest. Prophet and King.

Forgive me Mother, I have sinned...


Bees and love.

The unbearable burden of change: Am I lovable.

Bee install

The weather.