Pregnancy Anecdote

I'm not much of a leg shaver. My feminist self finds it unnecessary and patriarchal. My critic of capitalism finds the origins offensive. My 4ness on the enneagram says that it makes me special. My humanity makes me lazy and just uninterested in maintenance. But alas pregnancy itself brought me to shave my legs.

In the throws of the heat wave my feet and ankles were huge. Sean, my beloved, generously offered to massage my feet, ankles and lower legs. Problem? Well, his sweaty hands were pulling at my leg hair- basically undoing any physical pleasure associated with this kind of massage. So I shaved (below the knees only) for a better massage.

But, this caused a problem. When your pregnant there are really only 2 sleeping positions. This side or that side. Problem? Well, the stubble on the inside part of my legs was making the opposite leg uncomfortable. So I had to shave my legs all the time. The other problem, bending over, forward, reaching, and lunging are nearly impossible with a 7lb fetus inside of you. So shaving is rather unpleasant.

So it's cooler now. Massages are less frequent. But what am I doing? Shaving only the inside of my legs. It's absurd. But then again, I believe that most of pregnancy is. I want to sleep on my back, grow my leg hair out (or shave my whole leg) and plunge into the depths of parenthood- because that is seeming more normal that the current state of affairs.


  1. I hear ya' sister! You really make me smile with your ponderings and muses. It is fun to read all your postings -- I wonder if I would have kept up a blog when I had K 18 years ago...


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