What we did in LA- In Brief

We stayed in a hotel. Not worth taking pictures of.

Loved the Getty.
Did some yoga while waiting for the tram.
Junia loves looking at art, "Mama, tell me about this."
I heard that probably 300 times.

This is the kind of furniture I love.

 Mid-Century modern stuff. I really want to live in a ranch house.

We live in the wrong part of the country for a lot of ranch houses.

On Friday, the rainy day we mostly gawked at LA folk who were so bundled.

Saturday surprised us with 80 degrees and sun.
So we went to the beach.

We played.
Ate sand.
Got wet.
And very sandy.

I was smart enough to bring our swimsuits along for the day just in case.

We made a whole set of sand-crocodiles.
Then we stepped on them when they came to life and attacked us.
Miriam took a stellar nap in the stroller on the beach.

 Then we took our sandy selves to the Santa Monica farmers market.
and bought 10lbs of oranges.
And some grapes.
And some avacado.
And some guava.
And some lemons
And some tamales.

It was a good lunch.

Then we went to Mood Fabrics.
Must I say more?


  1. This sounds awesome. Did you just go on a whim? That is also awesome.

  2. Are "ranch" houses what we call "ramblers" here?

    The beach sounds fun and nice!

  3. I might have squeeeeeed a bit over Miriam Zita's curled toes!!



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