
Showing posts from 2013

Grief, Loss, Jealousy and Holidays.

Being shamed at Church- when your kids cry.

Bring your daughter to work day...our style.

Desire. Advent Reflection

Oh Christmas Tree----no such thing as emotional purity.

Children's Books for Liberal Christians 6 Christmas Version

Notes from growing family 10

Why honor Advent?!

Graditude on This Thanksgiving!


Simplifying: Thrift Store Box

Good day. Sewing. Naps. and...Christmas pants!

Working Mama guilt- 1 night.

36 hours of me time.

24 hours at home

Incarnation, God, Elf on the Shelf and Santa

Napping and Gratitude.

Budding Photographer

Vashon Island Blessings

Silly Random Kid-ness

Back again. . .

My thoughts on the Popes interview in America Magazine.

Glad to be back...